First Day

I am STILL trying to catch up on my posts! I am swamped with editing pictures from my photo sessions and we always seem to have a ton of stuff planned on the weekends. I'm finding it hard to keep up with life....and sleep. I'm on my way to getting organized, though. Not sure if I'll ever get to where I want to be but, I'm getting there.

Soooo, the first day of preschool was a month ago!! Jake is doing really well. Sometimes he has a moment where he doesn't want to go in the building but, he always seems to be doing great when I pick him up. The other day I was making a snack for his class....apples and yogurt....and he ran around the kitchen yelling that he was going to eat apples and yogurt at school.

We had one hiccup this week when they called me to pick him up a half hour early. He was crying for about 15 minutes and they thought it was very unlike him....which is good, right? they were worried that maybe he was sick or something. I'm not really sure why he was all worked up but, I kinda think maybe he had to go potty and wasn't comfortable. Next week, I'm going to show him that his classroom has a potty and tell him which teacher to go to when he has to go. I think maybe the whole potty in school thing stressed him out.

Its so fun to pick him up and ask him about his day. Trev gets more out of him than I do but, its fun to hear what sticks in his mind and what doesn't. He loves the sandbox....the bathroom is full of sand from when I take him to the potty when we get home...and loves the racetrack that "goes round and round."

He goes to the afternoon session of preschool. I wasn't too crazy about that at first but, as we get more into it, I kinda like it. The afternoons are always the hardest part of the day. Time seems to drag but, with afternoon preschool, it flies by! He's dropped his nap so its not like he's missing out on any sleep.

I like to make the morning low key, though. I like to think it helps his mood for his teacher but, who really knows. So on Wednesday mornings, we do a lot of laying around.

Cheeks anyone?

Time to get dressed!

OK. I'm going to admit that maybe I was a bit frazzled by the whole going to school thing. I forgot my camera at drop off. Good thing, though, because drop off on the first day was c.r.a.z.y.

I was so excited to pick that kid up. I was even more surprised to see him sitting at a table waiting for me. When I took this pic, they'd already told him I was here to get him so he was on his way out of the chair.

He looks so cute at the little 2 year old sized table.

Love that kid.

He was all smiles but, got serious.

He had artwork to discuss.
