ice cream day

Sometimes I get too busy taking pictures for other people that I forget to take pictures for us. It was especially bad at the beginning of this year when we had the kitchen renovation going on and my bookings were really starting to ramp up. There was one day that I had a quick session set to go at a local ice cream shop. We decided to have an ice cream as a family before my clients arrived....they’re really good regular clients so I knew they wouldn’t mind seeing my family on the way out as they were on the way in.

 anna was into this tutu at the time. I hesitate to say obsessed because its not anything like her love affair with Dora, but she strongly favored it. Also, she normally gives any human being that is not a member of our family the dirtiest look....except for my client’s son. He’s about 6 months older than her and let me tell you, she was captivated by him. Maybe it was because he’s blonde like her and she’s just not used to seeing blonde people.
