anna's first day

When we took jake to two year old preschool, we had a couple of rough days.  If I'm being totally honest, I think it wasn't until March that I didn't have to bribe him with Tim Bits to not cry when I dropped him off.  He was always excited to tell me about what he did when I picked him up, though.  ​

anna's experience wasn't all that great.  It makes me a little sad to see these pics.  I thought she was going to do so well.  Yeah, I know.  Most people don't send their kids to preschool at two but, if I'm going to be totally honest, that really doesn't console me at all.  ​

She would cry at drop off.  She would cry during the whole two and half hours.  She would work herself up so much that she would fall asleep.  It wasn't because she needed a nap, it was because she was emotionally exhausted.  She was spent.  It makes me sad that I put her through that for two months.  I guess it wasn't really two months....she only went to school one day a week.  Even still....​

​She looked so excited before her first day.  Then they had me pick her up a few minutes early because she was asleep on her teachers lap.  She cried on and off the whole two and a half hours.  It was normal separation anxiety.  We dealt with that with jake.  I have no problems walking away from tears when I know they stop when I'm out of sight.  Hers didn't.  Makes me sad.

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