Our Week

It's been my mission to get j out and about.  I want him to be around other kids and I want him to get used to being out in public.  I want him to be able to go with the flow more....but, the kid is kinda high maintenance so I'm not sure if I'm fighting with nature or not.  Anyway, here's a taste of some of the things we do...

Mondays:  We haven't started yet but, I'm thinking of taking him to the pee wee open gyms at one of the rec centers near us.  Basically, it's a bunch of kids just playing around.  I'm hoping to use this in place of Gymboree which is just too expensive for this one income family.  Once j's 6 mos old, I'm going to take him to Gymboree (you can go to one class for free) see the things they do with him then do those things at the open gym.

Tuesdays:  New mommy support group.  They have a child development expert there that answers questions.  I always have a ton.  The babies just play in the middle of a circle while the mommies try to believe that all their worries are normal.

Wednesday and Thursday:  Storytime at the library.  They have a storytime geared especially towards babies and j LOVES it.  They read a couple of age appropriate books, play games to music, and have a short play period at the end.

Friday:  This is grocery store day.  Probably not that much fun for j but, at least he gets to see more of the world!

Saturday and Sunday are reserved for daddy :)