Book Club

The mommies of jake's playgroup decided to try and meet for a book club.  The first book was to be "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult.  I've never participated in a book club before.  I have to admit that I was a little excited.  I thought about sipping wine and discussing the book with my friends.  I decided I wanted to host the first one.  Since I was super excited, I decided I wanted it to be fun and....well adult.

I spent Saturday morning making a little gift for each of the moms.  All of our kids love pictures of other babies.  To be honest, we have some of the cutest babies alive.  Anyway, I decided to make each of the moms a book of pictures to give to their little ones.  Each page is a picture of their friends.  I loved how they turned out and was super excited to give them as gifts.

I thought it would be fun for each of the moms to actually have something to open so I wrapped the books.  There's nothing like opening a prezzie!! 

I wanted to make sure that we had an adult evening since we all spend the majority of our days talking to toddlers.  I pulled out my mom's china, some wine glasses and made sure there were a couple of bottles of wine ready to be corked.

My friend April started a cookie business, Killer Dough Cookie Company.  These cookies are the best you'll ever have.  Sooooo good.  I consider my self an expert in all things cookie and, well, these are tops.  I made sure to have a bunch waiting for my friends to try.

The table was set and I was ready for my friends.



Then people started cancelling.  I was devastated.  I spent a lot of time and effort trying to make a great little get together.  I called Anya, the only person that didn't cancel, so upset.  She was a wonderful friend and said not to worry because she was bringing guacamole.  Amanda must have sensed how upset I was because she came eventhough her poor little Harry was having a rough go of it.  I cried when I saw her I was so happy to see her.   Together they made me feel so much better and we toasted to a beutiful evening with friends.



It ended up being an even better book club get together than I could've imagined.  We talked and talked and even fit in a little discussion of the book.  Those two are some beautiful ladies.  Amanda left after two bottles of wine, a bowl of guacamole and over a dozen cookies were consumed.  I think it was about midnight.  Anya stayed until almost 2 a.m.  I can't tell you the last time I sat with a friend just talking until 2 a.m.  I'm so happy that I got the time to get to know her better.  After a disappointed and upsetting start, I can honestly say that it was the best book club meeting ever.  Anya and Amanda are amazing women!!


P.S.  When I went up to bed, I was surprised to see jake cuddled up next to Trevor in our bed.  Both had their arms in the same position and their leg bent in the same way.  It melted my heart.  The perfect end to a fun night.

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