mothers and daughters | lewis center, ohio children's photographer

The most frightening thing about my daughter is that she's just like me.  It is incredibly frustrating.  Beyond frustrating.  Anytime I'm disciplining her...more like yelling at her...I know exactly how she's going to react.  I know what I would do and I know its not anything close to what I'm telling her to do.  You tell me that I can't wear snow boots in 90 degree weather.  Yeah, right.  I'm totally wearing my snow boots.  

Mother and daughter relationships are so complex.  I think every mother has a desire to be close to their daughter.  When you can see yourself in your daughter, it becomes almost scary.  The hope and the fear of this person she will become can freeze you in a moment.  You want to make the decisions for her because you know the outcomes...the mean girls, the broken hearts...but, the best you can do is sit there, watch, and build her independence.  Hope to the ends of the earth the she chooses you as a confidante.  

Every session I have with this lovely mom and her adorable daughter is amazing.  They are alike yet the little one always asserts her independence.  Its inspiring to see them come together as a loving team.  Two members that are incredibly alike yet so very different.  Two members that love.  

familiesTammy DeanComment