what you enjoy

I'm sure you've heard that saying about the days going by slow but the weeks flying by....its so true, isn't it?  Awhile ago I decided that I needed to do the parts of my business that I enjoyed first then hit the less fun stuff...like accounting.  Oy vey.  I just looked at the last date I blogged and I've obviously not fulfilled that promise to myself.  I really do enjoy blogging.  Mostly, I guess I just like to ramble on about the stuff that my husband is sick of hearing about.  

So the school year ended and now summer has started and I've been thinking about how much I used to pick up the camera during the day and how I don't anymore.  I mostly take pics with my phone but, I'm ok with that.  I don't enlarge 98% of the pics I take and my instagram photos automatically get made into a book which means they actually get printed and the ones on my camera often sit on my computer.  Our lives have changed so much since I used to set up craft projects at the kitchen table.  Now we're out and about much of the day.  

My days have gone from this...

To this....

The days go by slow but, the weeks fly by.....

lifeTammy DeanComment